- Masthead
- Price
- Date
- Smaller Features
- Main Feature
- Footer
- Barcode
- Long Shot Image
This magazine uses the colours yellow, white, black and grey for the front cover, the guitar is lit up the most so the brown and yellow colours stand out from the black clothing. The contents page uses grey and white colours again but it also uses the colour red, this is to make the articles stand out so they are easy to see separate to text explaining them. The double page spread uses the colour black for the type so it stands out against the white page, also one of the quotes on the double page spread is larger and in red again so it keeps the same colour scheme throughout, by placing the quote in red it draws the reader's eye to it so they immediately see what the magazine creators thought was the most interesting/important part of the article.
Most of the images are taken outside and the background for two of the photos includes a lake and forest, this is to show the genre and ensure it is clear for the audience as nature is one of the conventions of country. The colours black and white are also used for the model's costume in each image which also keeps a colour scheme throughout the images as well as through the magazine itself.
The magazine is published by KICKIN' CUTS LIMITED on the last Thursday of every month. I am unable to find out more about this company as I did not receive a reply from the company therefore I am unable to discuss this institution further.
It shows that it's a country music magazine by the title as it is 'Country Music People' and it is easily recognizable by the image as it uses a prop of a guitar and the costume uses boots and a typical country hat which are signs of the country genre. The footer also shows it is country as it says 'from Austin to Nashville and beyond' and Austin and Nashville are typical places where country music artists are from in America. Another way it shows the ideology of the magazine is country music is through the background of the images which are generally of nature which supports the natural aspect of country which is generally related to it.
Each issue of this magazine can be seen as aiming at a different audience, the issue I have chosen is primarily aimed at men as the colours are not stereotypical 'girly' colours, also the prop is a guitar and it is mainly seen as males whom play the guitar specifically an electric one rather than an acoustic guitar which is scene as more gender neutral, however the yellow and white colours of the text opposes this as these are also seen as gender neutral colours. The red used for the type on the contents page also suggests that the magazine is aimed for males. However in previous issues such as the issue published in July 2014 which featured the well known country singer, Dolly Parton on the cover, the type was in pink which is a colour that is used when a magazine is aimed at females, therefore this magazine could be seen as gender neutral as the issues that have been published since 2010 when the magazine was first published have featured a variety of different artists both Male and Female. The magazine is set out quite formally so it is aimed at more middle aged people rather than teenagers, this is likely because the genre is listened to by older people rather than younger due to the style of the music.
The magazine represents country artists using stereotypes of country clothing such as a 'cowboy' hat, a black shirt and jeans, these signify the country genre as they are reconisable signs for an audience meaning they can easily tell the genre of the magazine. It also includes a prop of a guitar which is typical of country music, although one is an electric guitar, this is not typical of country music but in a later image on his double page spread we see him with an acoustic guitar which is a sign of the country music genre. He also wears sunglasses in each image.